Brian Schmidt elected new chairman of the Jamaica Debates Commission
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Brian Schmidt has been elected the new chairman of the Jamaica Debates Commission (JDC).
Schmidt, who previously served as the commission’s vice-chairman was elected at the JDC’s annual general meeting on Thursday, March 20.
Jamaica Chamber of Commerce’s past president Michael McMorris is the commission’s new vice-chairman.
The new JDC chairman has expressed his gratitude to his predecessor, Noel daCosta, for his outstanding stewardship of the organisation over the past election cycle and for his commitment to the mission and work of the JDC since its inception in 2002.
JCC-nominated directors are Noel daCosta, Anthony Chang and Michael McMorris, while MAJ-nominated directors are Brian Schmidt, Jennifer Grant and Claire Grant.
The commissioners are supported by a team of resource personnel. Commissioners and resource personnel are all volunteers.
The JDC is now engaged in preliminary activities to organise election debates ahead of imminent general elections due to take place ahead of or during the last quarter of 2025.
The JDC, which has organised political debates ahead of general elections since 2002 and ahead of local government elections since 2012, is a Jamaican Registered Charitable Organisation and a founding member of Debates International, which brings together some 40 debate-organising institutions in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa and Europe.
Activities of the JDC are guided by a board of six commissioners (directors) representing comprising three each nominated by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) and Media Association Jamaica (MAJ).