PNP promises 50,000 one-bedroom starter units
The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) says it will build 50,000 affordable houses over five years once it forms the Government.
The drive to build these low-income houses would be led by the Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ), which would be re-purposed for this effort, according to Opposition Leader Mark Golding.
He addressed the issue on Tuesday during his contribution to the 2025/26 Budget Debate in the House of Representatives. He said the houses will be one-bedroom starter units.
“There is a cultural practice here that when you sell a Jamaican a starter unit they will expand on it and build their own castle. Just look at Portmore and the many other communities…and you will see,” Golding said.
The Opposition leader said a database of government land available for housing is being developed.
“These are being identified across the island. When we form Government we will not be sitting and waiting for lands to be identified, as the work is already being done,” he said.
Another part of the PNP’s housing strategy is the Programme for the Orderly Renewal and Transformation of Infrastructure in all Areas (the PORTIA Plan).
“We will be building social houses, tearing down zinc fences, and replacing them with concrete walls. We will be constructing sidewalks to facilitate ease of movement for persons with disabilities and senior citizens. And, most importantly, we will be completing all those Operation PRIDE projects that have been left unfinished, which this Government has ignored over the past nine years,” said Golding.
“Our goal is to bring dignified housing and create secure, organised communities out of these informal settlements. We will complete the outstanding infrastructure and bring land-titling services to vulnerable residents in informal settlements, with reasonable and affordable terms of cost reimbursement,” he said.
In order to fund the PORTIA Plan, the PNP said it will be using a mixture of sources, including the Consolidated Fund, and some of the profits generated from the low-income houses built by the HAJ.
“I will also ensure that the PORTIA Plan is supported by a robust and transparent governance and accountability structure,” Golding stated.
He also said the PNP will undertake joint ventures and other partnerships with private developers.
“We will crowd in private investment in the underserved market segments by a range of creative incentives to make the return on investment sufficiently attractive to private developers,” he said.