Commissioner defends new police uniform
WESTMORELAND, Jamaica — Police Commissioner Dr Kevin Blake has publicly responded to ongoing calls from the Custos of Westmoreland, Reverend Hartley Perrin, for a change in the uniform worn by members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
Addressing the official opening of the Frome Police Station in Westmoreland on Friday, Blake noted that the new uniform, which has technology built into it, was developed following years of research.
“I will divert a little bit to respond to our Custos and to educate the wider public about this thing that we wear called our uniform. Our uniform has benefited from over two years of research. Our uniform is one that has in it significant technology built in. So, this is not something that was picked up by the wayside,” revealed the commissioner of police.
Prior to the commissioner taking the lectern, Custos Perrin, in his greetings, reiterated an ongoing annoyance he has with the new denim uniform, which came into effect approximately two years ago.
“My pet peeve topic, of course, is the uniform. I still don’t like it. [I] still believe that it needs to be looked at again. I didn’t like it. But then, that’s my personal view, to which I am also entitled,” said Custos Perrin, who expressed a similar concern in January.
Custos Perrin said members of the force quietly held a similar view.
“I shared it with some police who are not going to tell you that they don’t like it either, but I can tell you. Think about it,” argued the custos.
Custos Perrin later explained to the Jamaica Observer that he does not believe the uniform is serving its purpose.
He pointed to concerns he has regarding the identification of the uniform, especially at night, and the possibility of citizens identifying the ranks of police officers wearing the uniform in comparison to the past, when officers could be recognised by their khaki outfits.
“As a constable, I should be aspiring to wear what the commissioner wears but now, the commissioner has come down to my level,” argued Custos Perrin.
“I am hearing contradictory views. So, the commissioner feels that it is the best thing that the police can have but I don’t share the view,” he argued.
On Friday, the commissioner stated that members of the JCF have options.
“We are in the process of transitioning, and so our members are free at this time in point to wear whichever uniform they wish—whether it is the red seam or the blue seam. There is no restriction on what they wear,” asserted Commissioner Blake.
“But over 99 per cent of the members are wearing these because of the benefits from the technology and the design of the uniform. So, probably, we need to do some more communication so that in the event that other persons have similar concerns as you have had. And so, in short, Custos, give it some time. It will grow on you Sir,” added Blake.
– Anthony Lewis