American bully?
Dear Editor,
By now most of the world has seen the debacle that was supposed to be a White House meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Donald Trump.
Vice-President JD Vance was also in the meeting. And it is my opinion that Vance planned his interjection into the conversation with the sole intention of embarrassing the Ukrainian leader and simultaneously sucking up to his boss who has an insatiable appetite for praise and adulation.
For Vance to berate the Ukrainian president about the fact that he has not been thankful enough to the United States was simply a way to create the havoc that eventually ensued, and it was a way of roiling up Trump, because Vance more than a year ago stated that he does not care what happens to Ukraine. How rude was it of Vance to say to Zelensky, “Have you said thanks even once in this meeting.”
Vance also showed how intentional his interjection was when he mentioned that Zelensky went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the Opposition in the last election. That’s further evidence that he deliberately up-ended the meeting. Vance believes in nothing! He once referred to the man who is now his boss as “America’s Hitler”. He wrote a book which is the complete opposite of the way he behaves these days. I believe he is an opportunist of the highest order.
It is interesting that Trump is a great admirer of Russian President Vladimir Putin and believes that Putin is his friend. Putin, who was head of the KGB at 26 years old, is as shrewd and cunning as they come. He understands geopolitics more than Trump understands New York real estate. Putin is playing Trump like a drum, but Trump thinks he has something in common with Putin. He talks about the fact that they went through what he describes as “the Russia hoax” together. Trump is about himself. He has zero interest in the welfare of America and wants what is good for him and that’s where his interest stops, except that he romanticises the idea that someday he will be referred to as “American strongman Donald Trump”.
It is amazing that the people of the United States are so shallow in their thoughts that they allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by a man who is not even a politician, not once, but twice, all because he convinced lower class whites that if not for him, they will be at the bottom of the totem pole below Hispanics and Blacks. For that reason they voted for him.
That control of the Republican base has led to Republican congressmen following him almost religiously for fear of being challenged for their seat (in a primary) by a Trump-backed candidate. What happened at that meeting in front of the media was a crime against Ukraine. Basically, Zelensky was being told: Give us your rare earth minerals or you get no support from us, even though the Ukrainian people are essentially being sacrificed on behalf of the USA and NATO because Putin decided that there was no way NATO was going to set up shop in his backyard.
Today’s meeting might have been the most significant event so far in the reshaping of a New World order and it is being reshaped by a man whose personal ambitions are greater than his understanding of history, geopolitics, or world economics.
By the time the American gangsta is through, the Soviet Union will be back together and Putin won’t even say thank you.
Shakey Williams